The mission of the Ministry is to implement a defense policy in line with the prospect and change of international and regional security environment, to develop a flexible, efficient and integrated defence structure based on Mongolia’s national interests and development goals, and to ensure the country’s independence, territorial integrity and security of existence.
Within the framework of its mission, the Ministry will implement the following strategic objectives:
– To advance an integrated defence structure of Mongolia, to develop versions of the strategic policy and planning document of the Armed forces, to draft legislation, and to provide cohesive policy management and guidance;
– to apply public administration leadership, to ensure the implementation of defense human resources policy, to improve social welfare policy and planning, to implement policies and programs to instill patriotism in children and youth, and to provide guidance;
– to ensure implementation of defence legislation and policy, to coordinate the renewal, supply and maintenance of armaments, equipment, materials and material resources for the defence;
– to implement and coordinate policies to strengthen military confidence and trust with foreign countries under the framework of the defence foreign cooperation policy;
– to monitor and evaluate activities of the defence sector, assess risks, conduct independent internal audits and provide consumers with information;
– to plan budget for the General budget manager, effectively manage and ensure the approved budget and investment and its execution, to define the defence budget, investment policy and the sector’s accounting policy, and to provide cohesive financial and budget management.